Maintaining horse stalls with wood shavings is essential for keeping your horses comfortable, healthy and safe. When done right, they provide excellent bedding that absorbs moisture, reduces odour and creates a soft, clean environment for your animals. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to properly maintain horse stalls using high-quality materials.

1. Choose Premium Materials

The type of wood shavings you use directly impacts the cleanliness and comfort of your stalls. High-quality shavings, like those from Klassen Wood Company, are designed to offer superior absorption and minimal dust. They ensure your equine friends breathe clean air and rest on a soft, dry surface. 

Inferior shavings break down quickly, becoming less effective and creating more dust. Klassen’s shavings are long-lasting and free of harmful chemicals, keeping your horses safe and comfortable.

2. Start with a Clean Stall

Begin by thoroughly cleaning out the stall and removing all old bedding, manure and wet spots. This provides a fresh foundation for new shavings. 

A clean stall also maximizes the effectiveness of premium wood shavings, allowing them to absorb moisture efficiently.

3. Spread Shavings Evenly

Once the stall is clean, spread a generous layer of shavings evenly across the floor. Aim for a depth of at least four to six inches for proper cushioning and absorption. Our shavings not only provide a soft surface for your horse to lie on, but they also help keep moisture under control. Furthermore, they are perfectly sized to maximize absorbency and comfort.

4. Daily Spot Cleaning

Daily spot cleaning is crucial to maintain a clean and healthy stall. Remove wet shavings and manure using a pitchfork, being careful not to remove too much clean bedding. Regularly removing waste extends the lifespan of your shavings and reduces odours. Fresh bedding can be added as needed to maintain the right depth.

5. Regular Full Stall Cleanings

In addition to daily spot cleaning, clean the stall completely at least once a week. That means removing all materials, scrubbing the floor and letting it dry before adding fresh shavings. This process prevents the buildup of ammonia and harmful bacteria.

Discover Premium Wood Shavings at Klassen Wood Company

Are you ready to improve the comfort and cleanliness of your horse stalls? Experience the superior quality and lasting performance of Klassen Wood Company’s premium wood shavings. 

Your horses deserve the best – let us provide the bedding solution that makes a real difference. 

Call 1-888-349-1939, complete our contact form or to place an order or learn more about our products.