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So far seooptimization has created 3 blog entries.

How Long Does It Take for Wood Shavings to Decompose?

By |May 2nd, 2022|Wood Shavings|

Have you ever tried to compost wood shavings? Composted wood shavings turn into a rich, nutritious, organic growing medium for your garden. Wood shavings are an essential addition to any compost pile because they are a great source of carbon. Furthermore, their coarse texture prevents the pile from compacting, which encourages air and water to

Horse Bedding Properties You Should Consider

By |April 28th, 2022|Uncategorized|

As a horse owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your horses are healthy, comfortable and safe. One critical and often overlooked way to guarantee that your horses live long and healthy lives is to provide the best living conditions possible, including selecting appropriate horse bedding. There are numerous options, but some of the available

Horse Bedding Issues You Need to Monitor

By |March 22nd, 2022|Horse Bedding|

Finding comfortable bedding, while important, is not all you need to think about when choosing the best bedding for your horse. Some issues may affect your horse’s well-being if you don’t monitor the bedding regularly. Here are some common problems you can prevent by keeping an eye on your horse’s bedding: Too Much Dust Excessive